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19 Jan 2009


We met with some folks in the open coffee recently. It was really nice to have a good turn out and a lot of new faces. I had in mind to talk about Alt.Net and I think one thing that is clear now is that we need to come up with a clear to do, how are we gonna work? where? that kind of thing. Its also important to have an easy way to explain this easily.

I think  it’s about learning from your peers, having a space where , if you have a problem you can bounce ideas or ask if your solution is good. Someone is bound to have gone through a similar situation.

There were some discussions, and my view on this is, we should focus on the best solutions, and what are the best processes to get there  and why. 

Open Coffee was great, I was really sorry I had to leave so early… looking forward to the next one. :)

Categories:   openCoffee

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