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Converting a small game from C# to F# part 2

30 Sep 2014

This post could also be called:One step forward, two steps backwards.

I thought I should rewind a little bit, and have an overview of the game before we continue.

The C# version of the game has 9 files and each, each has a class where (generally a component is defined), I decided to change this for the F# version of the game, tho I am not sure type per file is an idiom of F# or not. (Comments on this, really welcome)

The idea of doing this port is to show the progression of the code from C# to F# to (hopefully) better F# so if you have some comments on how to improve, they are super welcome, particularly commenting with code samples (or PRs). The whole game (in C# and F# and the editor ) is all available from this github repo.

About Duality

The engine, Duality, is a C# engine that follows some of the C# idioms. It is not in our inmediate plans to make a wrapper to make the engine more f# friendly, I find don’t find it too hard to work with the two languages, however it might be because I am familiar with it enough to not feel much of the pain.

These are bits of code we will se over and over

Is it a bit humid here?

Declaring a component. Needs to be serializable, and inherit from component

type LifeMeter() = 
    inherit Component()  

Most of these components will need to implement ICmpUpdatable or ICmpInitializable

    interface ICmpUpdatable with 
        member this.OnUpdate() =
            //Do some componenty stuff here

Some components need to be able to detect collisions, on those situations you need to implement ICmpCollisionListener

    interface ICmpCollisionListener with 
        member this.OnCollisionBegin (_, args)=
			// Do collision stuff here (or somewhere else)           
        member this.OnCollisionEnd(_,_)=  
        member this.OnCollisionSolve(_,_)=  

I don’t think I mind the interface implementations.

Then there is the find the (not null) component. In the example below we are looking for a TextRenderer within the object. In the None matching, it is more likely you want to log and editor warning, rather than do nothing

            let tr = OptionComponent<TextRenderer> this.GameObj
            match tr with
            | None -> ()
            | Some tr ->tr.Text.SourceText <- sprintf "Score: %i"  score

What does all of this mean? well I though it might be useful to sunmarize what I have seen so far. I’ll update this post with more if I think of any other repeating pattern.

Untill the next time :D

Categories:   programming   development   Duality   Fsharp   Csharp

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