Today I’m trying out Ext GWT
To use Ext GWT
Installation was simple ( i needed the java sdk i got 1.6Update 7 )
downloaded GWT1.5.1 and decompressed it. happy days!
then i ran the sample hello and I was running, really fast
[if you have problems with some error that ends with and then an exception, it s very likely to be that your path is reading some other version of java first, if so go to environment variables and change your system settings so you have the recently installed java sdk first]
to check the java version open the command line and do java -version
Why Ext GWT?
GWT is a compiler that converts Java source into JavaScript
this means you write and test java code
Getting Started
as in the sample i went and changed the email application and it changed properly and that was cool, lets get to the business now
lets create our own app and try to handle some event
Creating an Application
There is an ApplicationCreator that generates a series of files including a java file with a sort of hello world, an html file a css file and two cmd files this all following a naming convention.
Adding support for GWT -EXT
OK I went to the Ext GWT documentation web and there are a few screencast, if you follow them you get to the EXT-GWT (from hello world however there isnt much more sample applications , there is one but seems like a big jump
To be honest this took a while to get right, i m not used to java and the path convention is a bit too strange, i followed the video in the docs above and finally its working :)