I have 10 minutes to write this, and I ve been meaning to …
This is a few things that I use (or want to try) :
Unit Testing Tools
MbUnit - Faster to test AR Datamodels
NUnit Nothing bad about it, nothing that made me go wow! that’s great! (that i can remember right now)
and of course
Test Driven Just love the fact that you can right click a test, a unit or a project or a solution and just run the test or in the worse case scenario debug the test.
Mocking Tools
Rhino Mocks Used it a few times, don’t really like it, perhaps because I don’t understand it all that well
Type Mock Supposedly easier to use but compromises design
Roy Osherove posted this today on twitter. Basically a google code projet to compare differnt mocking frameworks, since this is part of the topics for alt.net meetup next month have a look :)
DI IoC Containers
Windsor is an Inversion of Control container, it helps you decouple your code and by proxy, it makes your code more testable. IT is pretty obvious I m not gonna go into detail, however I will say I found this to be very useful
I havent used this IoC DI tool, is in my wish list and would like to see how it differs from Windsor.
**Edit:I **had to add this, Rhino Commons this includes two things that are very useful, a generic Repository ( i know some peoplea re against this) , the Log4net helper and the IoC helper
IDE Add Ins
I don’t think i even have to mention ReSharper, I really can not code without it :) KeyMap here
In my wish list and from JetBrains as well, is to test Team City,a simple to use CI; an alternative to this is Cruise Control.net , not so simple to set up but open source
Reflector by Red Gate is a handy tool as well. Use it a lot to inspect castle helpers. Reflector was originally developed by Lutz Roeder ; Red Gate has promised to maintain a free version for the benefit of the community. I Really hope so.
I m doing web development , this obviously means I m using Firebug. I found gotapi.com a really useful site (html, css and js reference amongst others)
Browsers: my default is Chrome at the moment, however I use Firefox and ie ( to test that it works )
No more time for today will continue later .
Have a Nice Sunday! If you feel like it, what is your tool set?