Say you have a panel, that contains a form and you want to get the values for the fields of that form, one way to go on about it is to use findByType():
Find a component under this container at any level by xtype.
- the components xtype
an array of components
this is all well and good, however the available xtypes, what are those?
A bit of magic string here?, what are the available xtypes?
You can find a list below: `
- xtype Class
- box BoxComponent
- button Button
- colorpalette ColorPalette
- component Component
- container Container
- cycle CycleButton
- dataview DataView
- datepicker DatePicker
- editor Editor
- editorgrid EditorGridPanel
- grid GridPanel
- paging PagingToolbar
- panel Panel
- progress ProgressBar
- splitbutton SplitButton
- tabpanel TabPanel
- treepanel TreePanel
- viewport ViewPort
- window Window * `
` `
`* Toolbar components
- toolbar Toolbar *
- Form components
- checkbox Checkbox
- combo ComboBox
- datefield DateField
- field Field
- fieldset FieldSet
- form FormPanel
- hidden Hidden
- htmleditor HtmlEditor
- numberfield NumberField
- radio Radio
- textarea TextArea
- textfield TextField
- timefield TimeField `
This list is available from the** Component** class in the package com.gwtext.client.widgets;
As a cleaner way to deal with this I created an Enum to work with this information.
Hope it saves you 10min.