I found some interesting IronRuby Resources that I thought some people might find useful:
http://blog.jimmy.schementi.com/ complete Articles on Iron Ruby, I think he is somewhat related to the IronRuby project ( never really read the profile, just the articles….)
http://flanders.co.nz/ Blog from Ivan Porto Carrero, the Author of Iron Ruby in action ( its on EAP from Maning).
http://blog.benhall.me.uk/ Ben Hall’s Blog. He s got some really complete articles in that blog, and a really good speaker. He wrote this article on IronRuby and RSpec on the MSDN magazine.
http://www.ironruby.net/Documentation Of course :D
http://www.iunknown.com/ John Lam, I believe he is responsible for this project, however he doesn’t blog too often.