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Ext Js bits

20 Oct 2009

Just some interesting thing I found on the extjs world.

I m only looking at stuff working on ext3.0

In ExtJs the JsonStore has paramNames this Object contains 4 properties

    start : 'start',  // The parameter name which specifies the start row
    limit : 'limit',  // The parameter name which specifies number of rows to return
    sort : 'sort',    // The parameter name which specifies the column to sort on
    dir : 'dir'       // The parameter name which specifies the sort direction

This properties are the default however they can be changed by using a configuration property or to change globally it should be changed in the store prototype

Drag and Drop into a grid

Shea Frederick has a very nifty Excel drag and drop into the grid, got the code and runs in ie7, ie8, ff3.5 and Chrome and you can get it here


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