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FluentMigrator Composite Index

02 Apr 2010

Fluentmigrator is a really nice migration tool that allows you to tear your database up and down keeping version, please visit the project page for more info.

Anyway, the other day I had to create a composite index, and I didnt know how,  the way to do that is:

Create.Index(“Name_of_the_index_String”).OnTable(“Name_of_the_Table_String”) .OnColumn(“Column_Name_string”).Ascending() .OnColumn(“Other_Column_Name_string”).Ascending();

Looks kinda obvious no? but what threw me off at the time is that I was looking at the possible operations after OnColumn and there was nothign obvious there,

FluentMigrator Create Index Column Intellisense

then  I looked at the Sql documentation for CREATE INDEX

    ON <object> ( column [ ASC | DESC ] [ ,...n ] )
    [ INCLUDE ( column_name [ ,...n ] ) ]
    [ WHERE <filter_predicate> ]
    [ WITH ( <relational_index_option> [ ,...n ] ) ]

The solution was (kind of) there, you could do more columns after you specify the sorting direction. Perhaps it’s  obvious but it took me a while to figure out. It was logical however not obvious.

Also on composite, before I created an index I thought about using composite keys, J.Miller has a post here on why that is not really a good idea ( have a look at the comments in particular). For me, it boils down to:

There are more reasons for and against surrogate keys, but this was what was suitable to me at the time


Categories:   .net   NHibernate

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