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Irish Open Spaces Coding Day III Retrospective

12 Sep 2010

Yesterday we had the 3rd IOSCD. It was great fun, the code is all available here.

The sessions




It was great to have some hardware to play with, people really seem to get a good kick out of that, there was a Netduino and two Lego NXT.

I m hoping that other people will tell us about their experience yesterday (hint hint ;) ).

Some of the sessions included: Ruby on rails app for the book club assistance (called and_on_that_basis , no idea why), netdruino hacking with some sort of Rx , and then using Rx over the wire, finally i was working on something called Code Shapes.

Just starting a tool(?) that will analyse each class and draw a diagram:

as per Michael Feather post on this.

Categories:   .net   code_shapes

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