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Projects Organization - How to organize assemblies in your local machine to avoid nightmares

22 Sep 2010

This is just how I organize folders and projects on my machine, there are endless possibilities , but I saw someone searching for it online and it did took me a long while before I settled on this, so I thought I would blog about it.

This can be a good or bad way of organizing, I think it depends on the kind and number of projects you are working on

Imagine you have a folder that contains the following folders

Inside my code folder, each solution has it’s own Lib or Libs or Libraries folder (eg One Lib folder per solution ). The story is very different in spike **since I put projects there for stuff I never ever want to ship then I have a shared **Lib or Libs or Libraries folder where I put everything I ever needed. In third party I leave as I got from source control .

Inside the Libraries folder I mostly try to keep a folder per project and inside a folder per version, something similar to this


if in doubt copy the assembly, disk space is cheap.

Categories:   Best Practices

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