We are evaluating BDD frameworks at the moment and I m going through StoryQ.
Internal DSL for BDD, for me this means I can discover a lot by just following the API (ie its got a nice fluent API)
The Code for adding a story is very simple (example below)
Readable and nicely formatted report output
Supports Nunit, xUnit and MSTests
if using xUNit there is no support for incomplete tests ( ie if you are using CI it will break the build) UPDATE: there is a way since xUnit 1.7
Also you need to override the settings with your own exception builder.
I had one of those Doh! moments because I setup the story and the scenario with the Given().When().Then() and then I called the Execute method, that was not going to work… :(
Can report in various format, the report shows up on resharper or in an more html way.
There is a wpf app that converts gherkin and it generates the StoryQ test.( couldn’t try because the app failed, I think it s because of a dodgy build I have but will find out and report later)
Seems to support well the idea of many scenarios per story within the same file, which is cool.
Good to keep in mind not to use underscores in method names Link
So far so good, if there is anything else noteworthy I ll update.