I was playing around with a small function in Scala and found it kind of interesting that you can express the same thing in
different ways.
We are writting a function that will fold over a string an accumulate on running parensToFloor
a function that looks
def parensToFloor(c:Char): Int = ???
The most common way to write this function would be:
def myFn1(s:String) : Int = {
s.foldLeft(0)((x,y) => x + parensToFloor(y))
What would it look like point free?
I arrived to a few options that didn’t work :
def myFnx(s:String) : Int = {
s foldLeft 0 { _ + parensToFloor(_)}
//>error: Int(0) does not take parameters
// s foldLeft 0 { _ + parensToFloor(_)}
// ^
this made sense to me but the following one…mmm I imagine the compiler sees that since foldLeft is curried then it makes sense but what does the compiler want?
def myFnx(s:String) : Int = {
s foldLeft 0 apply { (x,y) =>_ + parensToFloor(_)}
// >error: missing arguments for method foldLeft in trait IndexedSeqOptimized;
//follow this method with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied function
// s foldLeft 0 apply { (x,y) =>_ + parensToFloor(_)}
// ^
so thinking about that and how to curry, I started trying to add parens around and see what happens and this worked:
(s foldLeft 0) { _ + parensToFloor(_)}
Something that worked but it wasn’t what I was looking for (it needed a change to the definition of parensToFloor
def parensToFloor(accumulated:Int, c:Char):Int = ???
//... more stuff.
def myFnx(s:String) : Int = {
// first the non working version same error as before
s foldLeft 0 parensToFloor
// than later evolved to because apply was missing
(s foldLeft 0) { parensToFloor }
then since we are here, might as well go and try and see what it looks like with operators (from a coworker):
(0 /: s) { _ + parensToFloor(_) }
An interesting thing is that the usage of parens and braces is something I still find confusing in time in Scala. The source of my confusion is not totally unfounded, in the docs we can see that:
- ( ) // Delimit expressions and parameters
- { } // Delimit blocks
however here we see that blocks can also be expressions…
I’ll have to leave this here. More to follow…