Some resources that came up either during the workshop or the talk :
- Bytesize Architecture Sessions The site with practical information and case studies for Bytesize Architecture Sessions.
- Russ Ackhoff “Ted Talk” about systems - A short and rather memorable video about what are systems.
- Programmer vs Developer - Einar Host In a team each person has a role, I really like how Einar describes what I think a lot of us that write programs do in a team, and the reason I tend to introduce myself as a Programmer.
- Event Storming - Alberto Brandolini - A great workshop format to collectively learn some key elements of your domain.
- Programming as Theory Building - Peter Naur(1985) During the workshop we had a moment where we discussed documentation, and having this reference nearly feels like cheating, it’s too well written !
- Thinking in Systems - Donella Meadows - Seminal book about Systems and a page turner. It starts off with some basics and quickly gets you to examples that will change how you think, unless you already think in systems, in that case it’ll give you vocabulary.
- Learning Systems Thinking - Diana Montalion - The hallway track brought this book to the conversation many times. Sometimes you have a chat with a stranger that changes how you think about certain aspects of your life, the conversation is not always easy but it’s very engaging, years later you still think about that conversation, this book feels like that.
- Architecture Modernisation -Nick Tune et al - In chapter 17 you can find the long form of the example I mentioned during the talk… after you pour over that the rest of the book is whirlwind tour of useful techniques for today’s practice of building software
- Facilitating Software Architecture -Andrew Harmell-Law Chapter 6 A masterclass on the process of writing an ADR. Since you have the book, you might as well help yourself for a super solid take on one possible way on how to practice software architecture.
- Collaborative Software Design - How to facilitate domain modeling decisions Book by Evelyn van Kelle, Gien Verschatse, and Kenny Baas-Schwegler. Not only this is a great book to learn about Collaborative software design, in the tittle after all, it does have sections on Event Storming and it does mention Bytesize Architecture Sessions!
These are the slides for Yow Australia
And Video soon